日晨咖烘焙.草屯店 Sundawn Coffee Roaster.Caotun Shop
18 x 12.5 cm|watercolor & fineliner|2021


The Sundawn Coffee Roaster at Nantou where I had my first solo art exhibition earlier this year recently opened a branch in Caotun. It was a great honor to be commissioned to draw the illustration of the branch again as the image for the business card of the branch. Sundawn Coffee Roaster Caotun store is also a bicycle-friendly store. Feel free to swing by when come to Caotun!

日晨咖啡烘焙 Sundawn Coffee Roaster】
Tue.-Sun. 9:00-17:00
542 南投縣南投市 (7.31 km)南投縣草屯鎮草溪路906號