香魚,經營個人品牌「香魚療癒食堂」的美食插畫家&畫家,也創作肖像、植物、建築等插畫。擅長透過寫實的作畫方式,一筆一畫刻出食物的細節並融入自己的感受;將美味的飲食光陰轉化於紙上,使感動得以具象化、永久留藏。最常使用水彩繪畫,也喜愛以色鉛筆、代針筆、麥克筆、墨筆等不同媒材來嘗試呈現食物的特色。香魚每週都會在香魚療癒食堂的IG&FB(@sweetfishfoodart) 上菜,歡迎前來享用視覺美饌!
2021 香魚療癒食堂個人首展
2022 香魚療癒食堂美食畫展-舌尖上的小鎮風情
2022 香魚療癒食堂年末小展-美食輕旅行
Artist Sweetfish (Chen Hsiang-Yu)
Hello! I am Hsiang-Yu. I am a visual artist based in Taiwan. Welcome to my art space “Sweetfish Food Art” (Hsiang-Yu sounds like sweetfish or ayu in Mandarin Chinese :D). Food is my favorite theme to explore in art. I am fascinated by the smell, taste and appearance of food, and enjoy transferring them onto paper. I specialize in traditional media, such as watercolor, pencil, colored pencil, fineliner, marker, Chinese ink wash, ballpoint pen, and acrylic paint. I share my food paintings and drawings on my Instagram & Facebook (@sweetfishfoodart) every week, welcome to enjoy the visual delicacies!Exhibition|
Sweetfish Food Art Solo Exhibition at Sundawn Coffee Roaster, 2021
Sweetfish Food Art Solo Exhibition-A Bite of the Small Town, 2022
Sweetfish Food Art 2022 year-end solo exhibition – Trips & Foods, 2022
Publication|Picture book《Little Raindrops》, Linking Publishing Co.,Ltd., 2014
If you have any questions about customizing or buying artworks, welcome to contact Hsiang-Yu via Sweetfish Food Art's Instagram and Facebook; or email to sweetfishfoodart@gmail.com