年年有餘 Surplus Every Year
26 x 19 cm|watercolor |2019|NT$5000

這張作品「紅燒午魚」是水彩課的作品,也是我很喜歡的一張❤紅燒午魚是我阿姨的拿手好菜,常在餐桌上見到這道料理。艷紅辣椒、金黃薑絲和鮮綠蔥段色彩繽紛,視覺上非常熱鬧。雖然細節很多,花費了不少時間;但最後也成功讓魚的香味從畫中飄出,獲得不少好評,也被選為期末展出的作品之一。不少朋友回覆我「香魚畫紅燒魚」有種同類相煎的奇妙趣味(?)😂 剛好農曆新年要到了,畫作主題正好適合春節,預祝大家新年快樂,年年有魚/餘!🎉🐟

This work was painted during the watercolor courses and is one of my favorites.❤ The braised fourfinger threadfin is one of my auntie’s signature dishes. I often see it on the dinner table. The red hot chili pepper, shredded golden ginger and green onion made the dish colorful and lively, but they also made abundant details which took me much time. Luckily, through people’s reactions I knew I successfully demonstrate the texture and fragrance of this dish by my work. The painting was selected as one of the paintings for exhibition. Some friends replied me that it was interesting to see Sweetfish paint a fish dish, which is like I ate my similar kind creature. 😂 By the way, this work was suitable for Chinese New Year. Because fish(魚) and surplus(餘) are homonyms in Mandarin, we always have a fish dish in the family reunion dinner on Lunar New Year’s Eve to symbolise great fortune. Wish you a happy Chinese New Year and surplus every year!



