Cafe Solo不久前更新了菜單,正好很久沒去Cafe Solo吃中餐了,便和家人去回味他們的美味料理。泰式椰汁咖哩雞椰香味濃,不會辣,雞肉軟嫩,非常下飯;而且整份套餐份量適中,吃完令人心滿意足又不過撐。據老闆說,為了讓客人吃得開心又安心,她們除了講究食材用料、精心設計健康菜肴之外,蔬菜都會清洗三遍!在步伐快速的現代社會,是非常難得又令人佩服的堅持!期待再次造訪,繼續品嘗其他好料~
Cafe Solo renewed its menu several weeks ago. I haven’t had lunch at Cafe Solo for a while, so I went there to savor its cuisines. The taste of the Thai coconut chicken curry is rich and not spicy, it matches perfectly with rice! The boss said her team not only took a lot of efforts to make the cuisines healthy and tasty, but also picked and cleaned the ingredients very carefully. In such speedy modern society it’s hard to meet persons taking their jobs seriously like them!