生巧克力塔 Tarte au chocolat

住家附近巷內有間小咖啡店,散步經過無數次,終於找到機會一訪。當天唯一的甜點就是生巧克力塔,濃醇、苦甜適中的滋味令人驚艷!於是繼藍莓乳酪蛋糕後,又畫了一張甜點卡片,送給阿姨當生日卡。因為她也覺得巧克力塔很好吃,所以特別喜歡這張卡片呢!There’s a small coffee shop locating in the alley around my home. I passed by several times and finally got a chance to visit it. I was fascinated by the dense and balanced bittersweet taste of its chocolate tart, so I drew it and made it into a birthday card for my auntie. Since she loved the tart as well, the card touched her heart successfully!
