蘇格蘭蛋 Scotch eggs
18 x 12.5 cm|watercolor & fineliner|2021|NT$3000

時序入夏,以往這個時節,都是出國旅行的好時機。如今因疫情蔓延閉關在家,不禁遙想6年前在英國留學的劍橋夏季,下班後習慣於酒館聚會的人們,都移到戶外座位,享受直至九點才下山的陽光。The Tram Depot 酒吧的蘇格蘭蛋和薯條是難忘的美味,畫著畫著,彷彿又回到了美好過去~😌🤤🍴

Because of the spreading pandemic, staying at home is the only activity I can do in this early summer. Since haven’t travelled for so long, I miss the time living in Cambridge. In summer people gathering at pubs move to outdoor seats to enjoy the sunshine. I also miss the Scotch egg and chips of the pub The Tram Depot in Cambridge. Painting the food brought me back to those good times!😌🤤🍴
