芝麻葉三明治 Rocket sandwich
15 x 10 cm|watercolor & Chinese ink brush pen|2019|NT$3000

即使已過了3年多,在英國生活的記憶仍不時浮現腦海;除了劍橋繽紛的春秋季節、美麗的古老建築、美味的接骨木蘋果酒、司康和燻鮭魚外,芝麻菜就屬我最想念、且在台灣難以取得之物了。似乎因為台灣平均溫度太高,在台灣芝麻葉難以種成;每次到超市去看,都是和其他生菜組合起來賣,份量稀少且價格昂貴,完全無法如在英國可直接買一大包豪邁大啖。念了許久,沒想到偶然竟在家樂福買到芝麻菜的種子!退休老爸最大的樂趣就是蒔花弄草,於是自告奮勇幫我種;第一次不成功,第二次大豐收!我便用牛奶吐司舖上滿滿芝麻菜和鮮甜的小番茄,再放上英國常買的品牌起司,撒上巴撒米克醋和粗黑胡椒粒,重現出記憶中的美食 — 芝麻菜三明治。🍞🍅🧀 爸爸的愛心融入了回憶的味道,讓芝麻葉比在英國吃的更美味!😊😋😝

Apart from gorgeous nature, beautiful old buildings, elderflower cider, scone and smoked salmon, rocket is also a thing related to the UK I miss the most. However it’s hard to grow in Taiwan because of the hot weather. Every time I saw rocket leaves in the supermarket, they were packaged with other vegetables for salad, pricey and few. One day I found the rocket seeds in Carrefour accidentally, and my father decided to grow it for me. Without my father I couldn’t have tasted the delicious sandwich I had in Cambridge again. 😊😋 The rocket tasted even better than it in the UK!😆🍞🧀🍅
