紅龜粿 Red tortoise cake
39 x 27 cm|watercolor|2020|NT$7000

草屯的市場有個賣紅龜粿的攤位,每逢初一十五都會來擺攤;他們的紅龜粿軟Q得恰到好處,不太硬也不會過軟 ,甜香的紅豆餡與外皮絕配,要吃總要看准時間。接近元宵節,又要快可以吃到了~🤤



底下墊舖的竹葉,也是後來才加上去的;我似乎傾向於訂了計畫後,就不照著計劃執行了,哈! 這樣也是作畫的樂趣,不預計自己的畫作要成為甚麼樣子;畫了大致的草圖後,邊畫邊思考著配色、造型,邊讓作品在一筆一畫中自己成形。就像設定了旅行的目的地,但不限制到達的方法;才不會像在執行任務般嚴肅死板,也能有意想不到的奇遇和驚喜!

This traditional Taiwanese food is made of sticky rice. The fillings are usually red beans or peanuts. Because of tortoise’s longevity and health, it’s believed as an lucky animal in Chinese culture and used for worshipping gods on some Chinese festivals. It’s easily founded at traditional sweets shop or markets. I love this soft and sweet food!

These two red tortoise cakes are the most difficult food I have ever drawn. I started with the red tortoise cake on the left, but it was very difficult and time-consuming because of the many bumps and folds. So I gave up halfway to paint other food first and afterwards continued to finish the red tortoise cakes. Thus, the colors of the cakes are a little different and the painting approaches are not the same because of the time interval.

The red tortoise cake on the left is honestly drawn based on real objects. If I follow the picture too much, the painting will be more rigid. When I painted the red tortoise cake on the right, I draw it rather more casually and according to my own impression to express the light and shadow changes on the red tortoise cake.

The bamboo leaves underneath were added later. I seem to be inclined to make a plan and not execute it according to the plan, ha! This is also the fun of painting as it is impossible to predict what the outcome will look like. After drawing a rough sketch, I think about color matching and shape while drawing, and let the work shape itself in every stroke. It’s like setting the destination of the trip but not limiting the method of arrival. It won’t be as serious and rigid as performing a mission and may have unexpected adventures and surprises!