在里斯本嘗到道地葡式蛋塔的美味,幸好還能透過肯德基蛋塔來回味一下。酥脆的烤麥仁、淡淡的茶葉香氣、香甜的蛋奶餡與酥脆塔皮配合得恰到好處,美味得讓我忍不住畫下來了!😍🍵 這是焙茶口味蛋塔,我去除了裝蛋塔的紙盒,重新安排畫面;只畫出蛋塔,把焦點聚集在美味的食物上。除了刻劃外皮的多層質感,也畫出剖面,將外皮酥脆、內餡甜香的滋味完整記錄下來。
When I went to Lisboa, I tried the egg tart. It was so tasty! Luckily around the place I live is KFC where I can have Portuguese egg tarts as I miss them. The flavour of the KFC egg tarts I painted is hojicha. The taste of tea and egg tarts matched so well!😍🍵 They are hojicha flavored egg tarts. I removed the carton for the egg tarts and rearranged the picture. I only drew the egg tarts to focus on the delicious food. In addition to depicting the multi-layered texture of the outer skin, I also drew a cross section to fully record the crispy outer skin and sweet and fragrant filling.