豪華日式香魚便當 Japanese sweetfish boxed meal
21 x 29.7 cm|watercolor & red fineliner|2022|🔴 已售出 Sold


In order to match the red bento box, I used a red fineliner to draw the lines, highlighting its luxurious and rich feeling. One of the characteristics of the outline is that it creates a strong and prominent style like a cartoon, which is just suitable for the surging richness of this bento. It’s a pity that the rice is too grainy. If I can draw less lines, it will look more fluffy and delicious.

  1. 草稿完成,勾勒線條
  2. 先填上最淺的底色,將反光處留白
  3. 開始一道一道菜畫出深淺明暗
  4. 便當盒上色
  5. 畫出陰影
  6. 以代針筆加強線條
  7. 以白墨筆畫出其他次要反光之處,完成