唐揚雞咖哩定食 Japanese fried chicken curry set meal
19.7 x 27.2 cm|multicolored pencils|2022|NT$4000

草屯新開的網美餐廳,裝潢和餐點都挺有水準;例如這道招牌料理,美味又份量豐富。再度使用了KOH-I-NOOR 魔術色鉛筆繪製,不但有趣,還能呈現其“魔術”般的美妙滋味~

This is one of the signature dishes of a new restaurant in Caotun. The interior design and the food here are both very nice. I used KOH-I-NOOR magic pencils again to draw the “magical” taste of the meal set.😋🍛🥢
