肉桂捲 Cinnamon roll
21 x 29.7 cm|watercolor|2022|NT$5000

以前對於肉桂的印象,只覺得是撒在卡布奇諾上增添風味或是拿來醃肉排的香料,並沒有特別喜愛。喜歡上肉桂捲,是在英國留學的時候。當時朋友帶我去倫敦的芬蘭肉桂捲連鎖店Nordic Bakery,初次嚐到便覺得驚訝,肉桂與麵包竟能有這樣美味的結合!最近碰巧遇見一家以肉桂捲為主的甜點店,他們尚未有自己的店面,因此須上網預訂再到附近寄賣處取貨。第一次嘗到就覺得喜愛,圖中的是威士忌口味,核桃和拿鐵口味的也很美味呢!

In my impression, cinnamon was only a spice for cappuccino used to marinate meat. I didn’t particularly like it. But I fell in love with cinnamon rolls because a friend took me to a Finnish cinnamon roll chain in London called “Nordic Bakery” when I was studying in the UK. When I first tasted it, I was surprised that cinnamon and bread could have such a delicious combination! Recently, I came across a patisserie selling cinnamon rolls. They don’t have their own store yet, so customers have to order online and pick up the product at consignment stores. I liked it the first time I tasted it. The painting was the one with whiskey flavor. In fact, walnut and latte flavored rolls were delicious too!