英國倫敦龍蝦漢堡連鎖餐廳 Burger & Lobster
18 x 12.5 cm|watercolor & fineliner|2021|NT$2500

好久沒吃龍蝦了。懷念七年前在倫敦時吃的評價龍蝦大餐,因CP值高,好幾次帶著不同的朋友去吃,卻也百吃不厭。XD 不過一直都是吃龍蝦,沒嚐過漢堡,當時一份20磅,現似乎已漲到23磅。不過比起這樣重口味的奶油醬料理法,還是偏好中式清蒸,最吃得出龍蝦的原味清甜~🤤🍟🥗

Haven’t had lobster for a long time. I miss the grilled lobster in London. It was delicious and the price was quite reasonable, so I went there several times with different friends. Though I always ordered the lobster rather than the burger, I never tired of tasting it! 🤤🍟🥗